Very dense rides, this makes you move from western American with tree trunks, its a typical station with a deep canyon, everyone has fun and especially attractions for young teenagers to see their speed slightest sensation of the biggest attractions of Port Aventura
Silver River Flume
The famous tree trunk walk you to the final fall with guarantee watering, traditional and effective as in all the parks in the world.
It's a roller coaster again while wood or imitation :) making you go through the far west at full speed (70 km / h), it's great for the younger ones who finally have access to the true feelings, in fact, the size limit most of the attractions are speed while 1m40 here its 1m20.
Also made for teenagers or even forward with a 1.20m size limit, even sensitive adults with strong attractions will be happy here, this move still quite a few giggles and feelings accessible to the greatest number.
Gran Canion Rapids
The rapids of the Grand Canyon are typical of a Wallibi attraction, dan refreshing water you get in a round boat from 1m30 so almost everyone little fun here and have fun without too much fear.
For child in port aventura Far West
How to say is really for toddlers, it's a classic ride where you ride on horses ...
Wild Buffalos
Wild bison you said? No right bumper cars for adults to get excited a bit after being locked on the roller coaster.
Flight Paiute
Special attraction, a classic carousel, you turn but this is the ride that looks, it's weird but funny.
Crazy Barrels
You turn on a barrel in a classic but still fun ride for those not worshiping the big attraction, finally afraid what :)
Attractions for toddlers in Port Aventura
Buffalo Rodeo
These are bumper cars for kids, fun for kids, there is often the tail, the carts are still their little effect.
Laberinto Blacksmith - The labyrinth BlackSmith
The labyrinth is a fairly quiet attraction to rest and let the children (maximum height 1.40 meters) in the arena so that it travels the path of the labyrinth.
Transport in Far West - Port Aventura
Penitence Station - Station of Penance
This station brings you to Port Aventura Mediterrania with a small cow boy show attacking you.