When are the christmas and king's holidays in Spain
Dates of school for Spain 2020 and 2021

School dates in Spain for year 2020 and 2021 departure close and Christmas - holy week

The difficulty of the school year in Spain that will now be certain to be punctuated by covid - 19 or commonly called Coronavirus.

In the official bulletin, the holidays as well as the start and end of the 2020 - 2021 school year are already planned.

But we will see that depending on the communities, the rules and scenarios can be changed at the last minute by very different methods between normal, remote or even part-time recovery, for example.

The dates of the start and end of the 2020-2021 school year in Spain

Autonomous communities in Spain Nursery and primary Colleges and High Schools
Andalusia September 10 to June 22 September 15 to June 22
Aragon September 7 and 8 to June 18 September 8 and 10 to June 22
Asturias September 10 to June 21 September 14 to June 23
Balearic Islands September 10 to June 22 September 10 to June 22
Canary Islands September 15 to June 23 September 16 to June 23
Cantabria September 7 to June 22 September 10 to June 25
Castile la Mancha September 9 to June 18 September 9 to June 18
Castile and Leon September 9 to June 23 September 14 to June 23
Catalonia September 14 to June 22 September 14 to June 22
Ceuta September 10 to June 22 September 10 to June 22
Community of Valencia September 7 to June 23 September 7 to June 23
Extremadura September 10 to June 18 September 10 and 11 to June 18
Galicia September 10 to June 22 September 16 to June 22
La Rioja September 7 to June 22 September 7 to June 22
Madrid September 7 to June 23 September 7 to June 23
Melilla September 10 to June 22 September 10 to June 22
Murcia September 7 and 10 to June 17 and 25 September 10 and 18 to June 16 and 24
Navarre September 4 and 7 to June 21 and 22 September 4 and 7 to June 21 and 22
Basque Country September 7 to June 18 September 7 to June 18

As you will notice, the start dates for this year are slightly advanced compared to usual, almost everywhere except in Catalonia where the recovery will take place in mid September for all school levels (coronavirus?).


The dates of the school holidays in Spain for 2020 and 2021

Autonomous communities in Spain Christmas 2020 and kings' celebrations 2021 Holy Week 2021
Andalusia December 23 to January 6 March 27 to April 4
Aragon December 23 to January 6 March 27 to April 5
Asturias December 23 to January 8 March 27 to April 5
Balearic Islands December 23 to January 7 April 1 to 11
Canary Islands December 23 to January 7 March 27 to April 4
Cantabria December 23 to January 8 April 1 to 11
Castile la Mancha December 23 to January 7 March 27 to April 4
Castile and Leon December 23 to January 10 March 26 to April 5
Catalonia December 22 to January 7 March 27 to April 5
Ceuta December 23 to January 7 March 27 to April 4
Community of Valencia December 23 to January 6 March 27 to April 12
Extremadura December 23 to January 8 March 27 to April 5
Galicia December 23 to January 7 March 27 to April 5
La Rioja December 23 to January 8 April 1 to 11
Madrid December 23 to January 8 March 27 to April 5
Melilla December 23 to January 7 March 27 to April 5
Murcia December 24 to January 6 March 27 to April 4
Navarre December 23 to January 8 April 1 to 11
Basque Country December 24 to January 6 April 1 to 5

Many are waiting to go to see Holy Week 2021 in Spain which in most major cities is spectacular events throughout a crazy week.

Of course these dates will be more than certainly respected, however will the festivities take place, we have doubts, this year like last year apart from health changes (vaccines, exhaustion of the epidemic), the Holy week should be canceled everywhere but not the holidays.

As for the parades of the Three Kings, it will certainly take place everywhere but with maximum security, especially with the spectacular and very popular parade in Madrid.

The assumptions for the resumption of classes in 2020 and the school year in 2020 and 2021

4 Major scenarios stand out in most of the Autonomous Communities, because the school measures will certainly be taken at the local level.

Normal resumption of lessons

This means that the virus is under control, this hypothesis will affect only a few parts of Spain at the start of the year.

The online school

This requires equipment, and parents' time, but online courses are planned for all or part of 2020 and 2021 for the different school levels in Spain or regular meetings, especially online with the teachers in case the virus leads to generalized confinement or the following hypothesis is followed for part-time at school.

Part-time school

This scenario is planned in order to make classes less populated in order to reduce the risks of contamination and to better control the students and the groups, a maximum of 20 students is planned with distances of 1.5 meters, but that tell kindergarten children who will have a hard time respecting the safety instructions.

One can imagine half a class on Monday and Tuesday and the other on Thursday and Friday with class disinfection at midweek and on weekends. This can of course be arranged differently depending on the autonomous communities of Spain.

It will no doubt even be possible to intervene at the local level in the event of the emergence of new cases.

The COVID-19 special school in Spain

This is a mixture of all the other assumptions:

Encouragement of online courses and individual online help from teachers.

Presence on demand for certain pupils with difficulties in certain subjects.

Campaigns of confined courses to remain in small groups are also envisaged throughout the year.

School dates in Spain for year 2020 and 2021 departure close and Christmas - holy week
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