What a bad climate this mid november 2019 in Spain
Alert bad weather this november with snow and rain

Storm of snow in Spain this november 2019

How often will be affected first by this storm of mid-November that will bring cold over a very large part of Spain? Galicia of course where it should reach the coast from Wednesday 13 November in the evening, with a maximum on Friday. see the lower cards on Thursday and Friday with high danger areas.

Spain, despite this storm that has arrived has had a relatively mild weather in this first half of autumn, this sweetness is unfortunately translated by episodes of floods in Barcelona and across the coast to the south of the province of Murcia via Valencia and Alicante.

The menu will be simple in most of Spain and it does not dream: Wind, snow, rain and temperatures well below the usual averages. about 10 degrees in some places !

Snow at low altitude

Snow is expected in the north of the country especially in the Pyrenees and on the Cantabrian mountain range from 400 meters altitude but not only, the central and southern mountains should have a good snow on all highs.

Indeed the snowfall precipitation heights should reach 50 centimeters of cumulative in a few days.

The cold weather should last until the end of the weekend so if you go to Spain where you live you have a good time ... a thought for the many residence of the south because many do not have heating but air conditioning, which will no doubt be difficult, heating sellers and supermarkets such as Al Campo have not finished selling portable or auxiliary devices.

Vigilance to the winds, rain and snow but why?

The national Spanish weather agency (AEMET) has placed 18 provinces of the country in particular vigilant winds and precipitation for the only day of November 14, 2019. Of the 18, still 16 provinces of Spain will be on alert to snow, including those that will be most affected in the north: Asturias, Leon and Zamora on the border with Portugal.

This storm puts the Spanish authorities on alert because it comes from the north including England and Ireland but it started in Greenland which explains that temperatures will be very low for the season.

Only the Canary Islands which currently benefit from a sustainable anticyclone should be spared, against even the Balearic Islands will undergo this storm of November. Note that despite the rain, from the community of Valencia to Huelva, the seaside and ocean should keep temperatures around 18 degrees in the middle of the day.

Weather alert map Spain

Below we have integrated the map of orange vigilance of this Thursday and friday so that you realize the magnitude of the situation.

You will see that the worst will certainly be Friday, November 15 with a red vigilance on Galicia and the surroundings.

Storm of snow in Spain this november 2019
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