Floods in a lot of cities in Catalonia
Records of rain in catalonia this October 2019

Part of Catalonia under water this October

Different cities of Catalonia especially on the coast have been victims of floods in the night of Tuesday 22 to Wednesday 23 October 2019.

The most affected cities are around Tarragona, including Tarragona itself, especially Salou and Cambrils from where images of impressive water arrivals arrive.

The rain started falling from 5am on Tuesday 22nd October and did not stop at night.

3 people have disappeared, including 2 in Vilaverd (Tarragona), a mother and her child and a 70-year-old retired in Arenys de Munt (Barcelona).

Another died Tuesday night in a serious car accident in Maçanet de la Selva (Gerona) on the AP7, it involved no less than 6 vehicles, other passenger cars are injured.

Cambrils is one of the most affected city of Catalonia

Streets are flooded in Cambrils and the police ask residents to stay at their homes with the weather in addition which continues to bring heavy rainfall. The usually calm Alforja River is literally overflowing with a rarely seen flow.

The AP7 was even cut off and between Vilsa Seca and Cambrils and the cars diverted to the A7.

Drivers have even had to be evacuated from their vehicles which could no longer circulate being taken under water.

A bridge even collapsed in the city of Cambrils without doing any additional damage fortunately.

also flood in Barcelona

The Barcelona metro is disrupted especially line 1 because the water has infiltrated between the stations Espanya and Glories where the traffic is totally interrupted this Wednesday morning. The traffic returned on line 3 after strong disturbances as well as on line 9 of the Barcelona subway.

Also in the region of Barcelona, north in the land specifically in Gualba at the height of Lloret de Mar was destroyed by a tornado.

The rodalias (train) of Barcelona have a difficult traffic this Wednesday morning of October 23, 2019 almost everywhere, a catenary even fell due to strong gusts of winds in the Catalan region.

Lot of others !

Other cities were affected reports the civil protection of which Els Alfacs (record of precipitations that night), Tivissa, Amposta, Ametlla de Mar, el Masroig, Toroella de Montgri, Mount roig del camp, Torroella de Fluvia, Illa de Buda, Ulldemolins, Falset, Benissanet for those with the most rain in the night and in the order of amounts of rainfall.

In Salou the organizers must be feverish when organizing the Rally of Spain which is to be held from Thursday 24 October and last until Sunday 27 October.

French side of heavy rains fell particularly in the region of Beziers and Perpignan, road traffic is highly disturbed Perpignan and Figueras.

Courage to those who will find damages this morning and who are still in the rain with this October weather that reminds that the Autumn is unfortunately synonymous with bad weather sometimes very serious, even in Spain.

Part of Catalonia under water this October
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