When and where to go in Spain this summer 2020
Go Spain and cross borders with Coronavirus for your holidays 2020

When holidays 2020 start in Spain this summer for non spanish people

After the prolonged confinement in Spain, in particular by region, especially with the community of Madrid, Barcelona and the big cities of Castile and Leon.

The authorities of Spain have decided to reopen their borders this summer with a particular tourist aim in order to save the local economy, indeed in our previous article, we showed you that regions were pretty well spared like the Canary Islands and the small Balearic Formentara.

Other regions such as Galicia, Catalonia (excluding Barcelona) and the Valencia community such as Extremadura are also in demand for a phase 2 of 3 pass.

Official holiday date 2020 for foreign tourists in Spain

The Spanish government hopes to even have regions on July 1 in phase 3 (which corresponds to an almost normal return before the spread of this year's Coronavirus 2019 - 2020 across the planet). The date of the Spanish tourist season should therefore take place this Wednesday, July 1, 2020 in this beautiful country.

Tourism should therefore resume by region and following strict standards throughout Spain with the restart of airports and AVEs (Spanish TGV - Alta Velocidad Española), as well as the reopening of borders without submitting to regulatory quarantines. (in fact 14 days), France also plans within a few days to achieve the reciprocity of this measure which for the moment is only one-sided.

Hoping that the summer of 2020 will partially save the local economy of Spain and that this will not result in a health disaster if the locals and tourists who visit Spain are respectful of barrier gestures (social distancing even on the beach, distance to restaurants and cafes, availability of hydroalcoholic gels).

The first days of the reopening will be a crucial test for the Spanish economy, because in the event of a relapse of the COVID-19 pandemic that we will not be able to see until mid July or early August, hospital damage as well as could put the country in an unprecedented embarrassment and scare away tourists in a sustainable way throughout Spain for probably years to come, so we can imagine an economic recession in the event of poor management of the recovery of tourism in the Iberian Peninsula.

When holidays 2020 start in Spain this summer for non spanish people
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