San Juan Alicante 2020 Mascletas
When to see Mascletas in Alicante for 2020

Regional celebration of San Juan Alicante 2020, new dates

Another blow of the coronavirus (Covid-19), the famous festivals of Alicante with bonfires in high point are impacted, finally the bonfires, hear the traditional Mascletas of the community of Valencia. Without forgetting the different parades in traditional costume and the floats, each more original than the last.

These parades and pyrotechnic shows take place all over the region every year in Valencia, Altea, Cullera, Dénia and what will interest us here in Alicante.

Dates of the Hogueras de San Juan in Alicante

Indeed the traditional festivals of Alicante take place at the end of June on the date of Saint John which this year falls on June 23, 2020.

The dates chosen to organize the regional celebration of the province of Alicante were from June 20 to 24, with the regional celebration (public holiday) on June 24, 2020 in Alicante.

However, given the health crisis due to the virus in Spain and elsewhere, the authorities logically wanted to postpone the traditional festival.

What new dates for "San Juan" in Alicante

Assuming that the health crisis is over in Alicante and the rest of Spain, the new dates chosen for the organization of the Alicante celebrations are from 2 to 6 September 2020.

With a postponement of the holiday in Alicante requested from the authorities for September 4, 2020.

Why this postponement of regional holidays so early

You will understand that the bad actor of this tragedy is the Coronavirus.

However, the organizers were obliged to react as early as the election of the fire misses "beauty of fire" take place more than a month in advance, which becomes more and more tense in the current situation.

Emergency services are just in flux in one of the most affected regions of Spain with Madrid, indeed the community of Valencia is badly affected by the virus.

In addition, the logistics of the various speakers and artists is difficult to predict for having well organized shows and events, however the postponement of the Saint John fire festivals in Alicante will inevitably lead to other withdrawals for the month of September 2020.

The last obvious reason to postpone the holidays until the beginning of September is not to encroach on the 2020 - 2021 school year which will not start until later in the month for the community of Valencia and everywhere in Spain.

Let us hope that the current crisis will end well before the election of the "Bellezas del Fuego" which will take place on July 31 and August 1, 2020 in Alicante ... if all goes well, and above all that large gatherings will again be possible in Spain and elsewhere of course.

Regional celebration of San Juan Alicante 2020, new dates
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